Tuesday, March 1, 2011

And the Survey Says...

I found this article through Reddit, titled 70% of the Public Find Piracy Socially Acceptable, about a study in Denmark that found that, as the title says, 70% of the public found piracy to be socially acceptable. Additionally, this number has not changed over the past ten years.  And this is important because it appears that all of this anti-piracy rhetoric by the entertainment industry hasn't changed peoples' minds.

Okay, one could argue that because this is not based on Americans, this study is not legitimate when talking about copyright laws here in this country.  I disagree.  I believe that this echoes an international attitude toward anti-piracy laws: that they are unfair, restrictive and irrelevant.

Another important attitude to consider is that while the survey participants found piracy for personal use to be socially acceptable, 75% believed that piracy for personal gain was socially unacceptable.  See, people have morals about this!  They just do not coincide with the major players in the entertainment industries.  I think (hope/wish) that the era of overly strict anti-piracy/copyright and intellectual property laws is coming to an end!  It's a losing battle for the entertainment industries.

PS: check out the comments, they're almost as interesting as the article!

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